Communication Society

簡介: 「傳播無處不在」。本會隸屬於澳門大學學生會,屬於其附屬組織之一。本會宗旨為培養同學對傳播學科的興趣,促進本系同學的歸屬感及團結精神,並提供一個平台予所有對傳播媒界有興趣的學生,無論在多媒體製作、編採排版以至公共關係等方面,提供機會給學生接觸傳媒行業的不同領域。 傳播學會每年舉辦「傳.說」等活動及「一秒定格」與「愛上主播」等比賽,冀令同學透過實踐,瞭解傳媒學、傳播產業在社會上的影響力,體驗其實際操作。任何澳大學生皆可加入本會;所有傳播系同學,均屬本會會員。 Introduction: ‘Communication is everywhere’ – Communication Society is a sub-organization of University of Macau Students’ Union. It was established in October 2005. Our mission is to increase students’ interests in communication studies and consolidate team spirit among the students of the Department of Communication. The organization focuses on multimedia production, journalism, design, publication and public relations. The organization’s periodical publication Orange Post is a student-run independent magazine. Annual events, such as Communicatalk, Frame the Second and Passion for Anchors, give student opportunities to practice and know the social power of communication. Every UM student is eligible for membership. All Communication students at UM are the organization’s members. Facebook專頁:Communication Society 傳播學會 Instagram:comm_soc 聯絡電郵:[email protected]