The Macau Institution of Engineers Student Members Division of University of Macau Students’ Union

澳門工程師學會學生分部成立於2011年,宗旨是透過舉辦不同的活動讓學生關心工程界的動向、提升學生對工程專業的認知;在學界與業界間搭建溝通的橋樑,作為協助學生邁向專業及執業資格的平台。總會是澳門歷史最悠久的工程 組織:澳門工程師學會。 本會會員由澳門大學工程系學生組成,歡迎土木與環境工程、計算機科學、電機及電腦工程及機電工程學系學生入會。內閣成員除了正副會長外,還設有秘書處、財務部、宣傳及資訊部、文康部,希望有才能的你也能成為我們內閣的一員。 AEMEUM aims to let the student members concern about the trends of engineering industry as well as receive more current information apart from learning from lectures. We also set up a platform that links the students up with the industry and leads them towards professional qualifications. In the past, we have organized a variety of activities such as exchange trips, workshops, competitions and seminars etc. and there will be more in the future. If you are a student from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Electromechanical Engineering, you should join us! Moreover, we welcome you to become a part of our cabinet if you would like to learn more and enrich your university life. 聯絡電郵:[email protected] Facebook專頁: 澳門工程師學會學生分部